Christa Wongsodikromo is an independent researcher, speaker, writer, advisor, and activist specializing in Dutch colonialism. As a member of the Indonesian-Surinamese diaspora, her work focuses on conducting field research and producing critical analyses to contribute to the anticolonial struggle of formerly colonized nations.
Drawing from her own experiences within marginalized communities, Christa utilizes a dialectical approach to bridge the gap between Western theoretical frameworks and the practical realities of the Global South. In addition to her work in the Netherlands as a community organizer for the Javanese-Surinamese (Indonesian-Surinamese, or Indonesian-Caribbean) community, Christa frequently delivers lectures in various countries, writes for international mainstream media outlets, and acts as an advisor for program developers, policymakers, and creative producers.
For questions or collaborations, please contact her at: christa@wongsodikromo.com